Book this model will not be damaged by interference above, even if the computer is damaged or defective programnyapun, then simply re dicopykan only from the original program, God willing, will be enjoyed again with ease. By installing this software, it is hoped the matter could be resolved.īook a computer program is free, no need to buy it, no need to provide a large space to accommodate thousands of books, each of which may consist of dozens of volumes. This software is published by the network of al-Da'wah Islamiyah Misykat.īook that has been enjoyed by perhaps only through writing on paper, either on yellow paper (sehinggah called yellow book) and in the white paper, requires a separate effort to have it, the price is quite expensive, the place that must be provided special treatment for not damaged by insects, fungus, moist air, and others. Yellow Book is a software named 'Al-Maktabah al-Syamilah', Al-Ishdar 2 (Complete Library, Version 2), consists of some 1800 books, which are grouped in 29 areas.